古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - make sb do sth是什麽意思?

make sb do sth是什麽意思?

1 問題解答:make sb do sth 意思是:使某人做某事。make這裏表示驅使,因此構成常見的使動結構,即使役動詞+賓語+不帶to的動詞不定式。造句:I will make him complete the research as soon as possible. 我要讓他盡快完成研究工作 。

2. 知識擴展:英語中常見的使役動詞主要有make,get,let,have等等。請看例句:

What would you have me to? 您想要我做什麽?

The story made me feel very happy. 故事使我覺得非常高興。

Go get your hair cut short, Tom. 湯姆,去把妳的頭發理短些。

Let it go right now. It doesn't like being here. 讓它走吧。它不願意在這兒呆。