古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 「錯誤、搞砸、犯錯、出糗」英文怎麽說?關於「錯誤」的8組英文俚語!


在職場上、日常生活中,每個人難免都會犯點失誤跟錯誤(mistakes)─但失誤也分成很多種,可能是在公眾場合出糗(blooper)、在工作上因不負責任而犯錯(goof up)…..等,該在什麽情境之下使用,又該如何使用呢?

Let’s talk的Niharika整理出了8組有關”mistakes”的英文俚語,並使用例句做說明。快來看看這篇文章,讓妳的英文程度更上壹層樓吧!

1. Blooper? 出洋相,出糗

ex. Dropping the phone in the sink in front of so many people in a public washroom was a big blooper.


2. Boo-boo? 愚蠢的錯誤

ex. I will fire you if you make another boo boo.


3. Slip up 弄錯

ex. My friend slipped up by calling his girlfriend by his ex’s name.


4. Boner? 愚蠢的錯誤,毀了某事

ex. My date was going well,but I spilled hot soup on her. I really bonered that date.


5. Screw up? 搞砸

ex. The chef screwed up the pizza.


6. Flub? 表現得不好

ex. I totally flubbed my presentation at the conference yesterday.


7. Bungle? 草率地處理

ex. The accounts department bungled the pany’s accounts.


8. Goof up? 因不負責任而犯的愚蠢錯誤

ex. She goofed up the job.



Blooper, Blooper 中文, Blooper 意思, Blooper 翻譯, boner, boner 中文, boner 意思, boner 翻譯, boo-boo, boo-boo 中文, boo-boo 意思, boo-boo 翻譯, bungle, bungle 中文, bungle 意思, bungle 翻譯, flub, flub 中文, flub 意思, flub 翻譯, goof up, goof up 中文, goof up 意思, goof up 翻譯, screw up, Slip up, Slip up 中文, Slip up 意思, Slip up 翻譯, 出洋相 英文, 出糗 英文, 弄錯 英文, 愚蠢的錯誤 英文, 搞砸 英文, 犯錯 英文, 草率處理 英文, 表現差勁 英文, 錯誤 英文