古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 自考“英語(壹)”筆記(52)


Text A The importance of being kind and polite


 1.frankly adv. 坦白地,直率地;坦率地說

 1)He frankly admitted that he had made a mistake. (他坦率地承認自己犯了個錯誤。)

 2)She asked me to tell her frankly what I wished to do. (她讓我坦率地告訴她我希望做什麽。)

 3)Frankly,he is not easy to get along with. (坦率地說,他這個人不好打交道。)

 4)Quite frankly,I don't care about what they may say. (坦率地說,我不在乎他們會說什麽。)

 frank adj. 坦誠的 v. 蓋免費郵戳於(郵件);準許…自由通過

 1)They gave us a frank reply. (他們給了我們壹個坦率的回答。)

 2)They have franked these letters. (他們已經給這些信件蓋了郵資已付的郵戳。)

 3)We are trying to frank him through customs. (我們正努力使他免檢通過海關。)

 2.boring adj. 令人厭煩的;乏味的

 bored adj. 感到厭煩的

 bore v. 使厭煩,使厭倦    n. 令人討厭的人或事

 boredom n. 厭煩,厭倦;乏味

 1)It was such a boring journey that he didn't want to say anything about it.(這次旅行很乏味,他什麽也不想提及。)

 2)I am bored. I don't have anything to do. (我無事可做,感到乏味。)

 3)Most of the book had bored him, with the exception of one chapter.(除了其中的壹章,這本書的大部分內容使他感到乏味。)

 4)Sam is such a bore that no one wants to have anything to do with him.(山姆是個很令人討厭的人,誰都不想與他打交道。)

 5)She seems so depressed by the boredom of her city life. (城市生活的乏味似乎令她沮喪。)

 3.honestly adv. 誠實地;的確

 honest adj. 誠實的

 honesty n. 誠實

 dishonest adj. 不誠實的;不正直的

 1)Honestly, I don't know what you’re talking about. (說實在的,我不知道妳在講些什麽。)

 2)You have to answer the following questions honestly. (妳得誠實地回答下列問題。)

 3)He is honest,he doesn't tell lies. (他是老實人,不說謊。)

 4)First of all,you should be honest about why you want the money. (首先,妳應該坦率地說為什麽要這些錢。)

 5)We have no doubt as to his honesty. (對他的誠實我們毫不懷疑。)

 6)How can you believe such a dishonest person. (妳怎麽能相信這樣壹個不誠實的人?)

 7)He got his money in dishonest ways. (他以不正當的方式搞錢。)

 4.impress v. 給…深刻的印象

 impression n. 印象;效果,影響

 impressive adj. 給人以深刻印象的

 1)What I saw and heard there impressed me deeply. (那兒的所見所聞給我留下了深刻的印象。)

 2)I was impressed by his high efficiency. (他的高效率給我留下了深刻的印象。)

 3)My advice seemed to make no impression on him. (我的勸告似乎對他不起作用。)

 4)She made a very good impression on her employer. (她給雇主留下了極好的印象。)

 5)The impressive scene will be always in his mind. (那個難忘的場面將永遠留在他的腦海中。)

 5.collection n. 收集;收藏品

 collect v. (去)取;接;聚集

 1)He has a large collection of books. (他有大量的藏書。)

 2)The collection of butterfly specimens takes up all his spare time. (他所有的業余時間都用於采集蝴蝶標本了。)

 3)He likes collecting stamps. (他愛好集郵。)

 4)I have to go and collect my daughter. (我得去接女兒了。)

 5)A large crowd collected in front of the building. (那座樓前聚集了壹大群人。)

 collect 也可以做副詞用,意思是“由受話人付費”,如:

 I will call London collect. (我將給倫敦打壹個對方付費的電話。)

 6.misunderstand v. 誤解,誤會

 misunderstanding n. 誤會;爭執

 1)Don't misunderstand us, we are here to help, not to make trouble.


 2)She misunderstood what her friend said, and went away in a fury.


 3)They had a misunderstanding, but they have become friendly again. (他們曾有過爭執,不過又言歸於好了。)

 4)I don't hope the minor misunderstanding will affect our friendship. (我不希望這點小誤會會影響我們的友誼。)

 7.friction n. 摩擦;不和,爭執

 1)Constant friction caused the rope to break. (不斷的摩擦使繩子斷了。)

 2)The efficiency of the machine is higher because there is less friction.


 3)Family frictions can interfere with a child's schoolwork. (家庭中的爭吵會影響孩子的學業。)

 4)The friction between the two countries is getting more and more serious. (兩國之間的摩擦在加劇。)

 8.conflict n. 沖突,抵觸      v. 沖突,抵觸

 1)The conflict between the two villages lasted for years. (兩個村子之間的沖突持續了數年。)

 2)They came into conflict over the ownership of the house. (他們就房屋的所有權問題產生了激烈的爭執。)

 3)His statement conflicted with what his friend said. (他的說法與他的朋友所言截然不同。)

 4)My idea might conflict with his. (我的觀點,可能會與他的觀點相沖突。)

 9.enforce v. 實施,執行;強制;強調

 1)The president of our university said time and again that it was necessary to enforce the school regulations.


 2)People were dissatisfied with the government's inability to enforce its law.


 3)Very often parents enforce their own will on children. (父母常常把自己的意願強加給孩子們。)

 4)Illness enforced him to lie in bed. (疾病迫使他臥床。)

 5)You need to enforce you arguments by producing facts and figures. (妳需要提出事實與數據來加強妳的論點。)

 10.interact v. 相互影響,相互作用,相互交流

 interaction n. 相互影響,相互作用

 1)Mothers and babies internet in a complex way. (母嬰以壹種復雜的方式相互交流。)

 2)Students are encouraged to interact in class in English by the teacher. (老師鼓勵學生在課堂上用英語互動。)

 3)There is a need for more interaction between parents and children. (父母和孩子之間需要更多的相互交流。)

 4)They are doing some research on the interaction between seawater and lava.


 inter-是壹個前綴,表示“相互”;“在…中間”。如:interchange (互換);intercommunicate (互相聯系;互相通信);interdependent (相互依賴,互相依存);international (國際的);interstate (州際的);interuniversity (大學間的)

 11.consensus n. 合意;(意見等的)壹致;輿論

 1)There was a kind of unspoken consensus between them. (他們之間有壹種默契。)

 2)The consensus was to abandon the project. (大多數人的意見是放棄該項計劃。)

 3)It is very difficult for them to reach a consensus on what they are going to do.


 4)You have to build a consensus with them if you really want to get their help.


 12.guideline n. 指導方針,準則,標準

 1)They are going to adopt new guidelines for national economy. (他們將采取新的國民經濟指導方針。)

 2)Today the moral guidelines are not as obvious as they were. (現在的道德準則不再以前壹樣明確了。)

 3)The chemical additives still exceed guidelines set to protect public health.


 13.unacceptable adj. 不能接受的,不受歡迎的

 acceptable adj. 可接受的

 accept v. 接受

 1)It is entirely unacceptable to break the law for the sake of money. (為了錢而犯法是完全不可接受的。)

 2)The proposal was unacceptable. (這個建議是不能接受的。)

 3)This is a proposal that is acceptable to all sides. (這是壹個各方面都能接受的建議。)

 4)They didn't accept the invitation to attend the evening party. (他們沒有接受出席晚會的邀請。)

 14.adolescent adj. 青春期的;青少年的    n. (16歲以下的)青少年

 adolescence n. 青春期(13-16歲的發育期)

 1)He was afraid that his son had anything to do with the adolescent gang.


 2)This film aimed at adolescents. (這部電影專為青少年拍攝。)

 3)His adolescence was not a happy time for him. (他的青春期過的不快樂。)

 4)Before his parents could realize it Tom had already reached the age of adolescence.


 15.swear v. 詛咒;發誓    n. 誓言

 1)Don't swear in front of the children. (別在孩子們面前罵人。)

 2)Will you swear that you were not on the scene? (妳願意起誓說妳當時不在現場嗎?)

 3)I swear that I will never trust him any more. (我保證再也不相信他了。)

 4)He swore by his honor that he would return the money in two weeks.


 5)They refused to swear on a Bible. (他們拒絕手按聖經發誓。)

 6)Don't take his swear seriously. (別拿他的誓言當真。)