00Ican tell you, you are my only love, now, or later.我可以告訴妳 ,妳是我唯壹的執著,無論是現在,還是後來。
00It'sonly me who treasures up the memory belongs to both of us.明明是兩個人的回憶,卻只有我壹個人珍藏。
00I'vedevoted a lot for you.But you just take everything for granted.為妳付出那麽多,可在妳眼裏那些都是應該的。
00Peoplewho are able to hurt me are all my beloved.能傷害我的,都是我愛的。
00I love you, for a long time. Waiting for you, and for a long time. Now, I want to leave, for longer than a long time.我喜歡妳,很久了。等妳,也很久了。現在,我要離開,比很久很久還要久。