修腳服務項目 Pedicure Service
收費 Charging
搓澡 Bathe(*)
推鹽 Salt rubdown
推奶 Milk rubdown
推蜜 Honey rubdown
刮痧 Chinese Traditional Treatment:Gua Sha Treatment
拔罐 Chinese Traditional Treatment:Ba Guan
走罐 Chinese Traditional Treatment:Zou Guan
捏腳 Foot rubdown
刮腳 Chinese Traditional Treatment:Gua Jiao(*)
推全身海藻泥 Seaweed Mud Rubdown of Whole Body
推全身精油 volatile oil Rubdown of Whole Body
修腳 Pedicure
灰指甲 Treatment of Onychomycosis
腳墊 Treatment of Heloma
甲溝炎 Treatment of Paronychia