古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 求初三數學名詞的英文 謝謝

求初三數學名詞的英文 謝謝


positive['pɑz?t?v] number 正數 negative ['n?g?t?v] number 負數

rational ['rn!] number 有理數 number axis ['?ks?s] 數軸

origin ['?r?d?n] 原點 opposite ['ɑp?z?t] number 相反數

absolute ['ɑp?z?t] value ['v?lju] 絕對值 power ['pau?] 乘方,冪

base number底數 exponent[?k'spon?nt]指數

approximate [?'prɑks?m?t] number近似數 significant [s?g'n?f?k?nt] digit 有效數字

monomial [m?'nom?l] 單項式 coefficient [,ko?'fnt] 系數

degree of a monomial 單項式的次數 polynomial [,pɑl?'nom?l] 多項式

term [t?m] 項 constant ['kɑnst?nt] term 常數項

degree of a polynomial [,pɑl?'nom?l] 多項式次數 equation ['kɑnst?nt] 方程

integral ['?nt?gr?l] expression [?k'sprn] 整式 solution [s?'lu?n] 解

linear ['l?n?] equation [?'kwe?n] with one unknown 壹元壹次方程 net 展開圖

geometric [d'm?tr?k] figure ['f?gj?] 幾何圖形

solid ['sɑl?d] figure ['f?gj?] 立體圖形 plane figure ['kɑnst?nt] 平面圖形

solid ['sɑl?d] 體 line 線

surface['s?f?s]面 point 點

intersection [,?nt?'s?k?n] 相交 point of intersection 焦點

center 中點 angle ['?g!] 角

distance 距離 angular ['?gj?l?] dissector 角平分線

complementary [,kɑmpl?'m?nt?r?] angle 余角 degree 度

supplementary [,s?pl?'m?nt?ri] angle 補角

congruent ['kɑ?gru?nt] figures 全等形 symmetric[s?'m?tr?k] figure 軸對稱圖形

congruent triangles ['tra?,?g!] 全等三角形 axis of symmetry ['s?m?tr?] 對稱軸

symmetric points對稱點 radicand['r?d?,k?nd]被開方數

perpendicular [,p?p?n'd?kj?l?] bisector[ba?'s?kt?]垂直平分線 graph[gr?f]圖象

isosceles [a?'sɑs!,iz] triangle等腰三角形 variable['v?r?b!]變量

equilateral [,ikw?'l?t?r?l] triangle 等邊三角形 constant['kɑnst?nt]常量

arithmetic [?'r?θm?t?k] square [skw?r] root算術平方根 real number實數

square root平方根/二次方根 extraction [?k'str?k?n] of square root開平方

cube [kjub] root 立方根/三次方根 extraction of cube root 開立方

radical ['r?d?k!] exponent [?k'spon?nt] 根指數 irrational [?'rn!] number無理數

function['f?k?n]函數 independent [,?nd?'p?nd?nt] variable自變量

proportional [pr?'por?n!] function 正比例函數 linear ['l?n?] function 壹次函數

formula ['f?rmj?l?] for the difference of squares平方差公式

factoring ['f?kt?] 因式分解 formula for the square of the sum 完全平方公式

common ['kɑm?n] factor ['f?kt?] 公因式

adjacent [?'d?es?nt] angles on a straight [stret] line 鄰補角

vertical ['v?t?k!] angles 對頂角 perpendicular [,p?p?n'd?kj?l?] 垂直

corresponding [,k?r?'spɑnd?] angles 同位角 perpendicular line 垂線

alternate ['?lt?n?t] interior [?n't?r?] angles 內錯角 foot of a perpendicular 垂足

interior angles on the same side 同旁內角 parallel ['p?r?,l?l] 平行

proposition [,prɑp?'zn] 命題 theorem ['θi?r?m] 定理

translation [tr?ns'le?n] 平移 ordered pair 有序數對

rectangular [r?k't?gj?l?] coordinate [ko'?rdnet] system ['s?st?m] 平面直角坐標系

x-axis ['?ks?s] x軸 y-axis y軸

coordinate 座標 quadrant ['kwɑdr?nt] 象限

triangle 三角形 altitude ['?lt?,tjud] 高

median ['mid?n] 中線 bisector [ba?'s?kt?] of angle 角平分線

polygon ['pɑl?,gɑn] 多邊形 diagonal [da?'?g?n!] 對角線

regular ['r?gj?l?] polygon 正多邊形 linear equation of two unknows 二元壹次方程

system of linear equation of two unknows 二元壹次方程組 bar graph 條形圖

substitution [,s?bst?'tju?n] method ['m?θ?d] 代入法inequality [?n?'kwɑl?t?] 不等式

addition [?'dn] - substitution method加減法 solution [s?'lu?n] set 解集

linear equality [i'kwɑl?t?] of one unknow 二元壹次不等式 statistic [st?'t?st?k] 統計學

system of linear equality of one unknow二元壹次不等式組 pie chart [t?ɑrt] 扇形圖

sampling ['s?mpl?] survey 抽樣調查 histogram ['h?st?,gr?m] 直方圖

population [,pɑpj?'le?n] 總體 individual [,?nd?'v?d?u?l] 個體

sample ['s?mp!] 樣本 sample size [sa?z] 樣本容量

simple random ['r?nd?m] sampling ['s?mpl?] 簡單隨機抽樣

frequency ['frikw?ns?] distribution [,d?str?'bju?n] 頻數分布

fraction in lowest terms 最簡分數 reduction [r?'d?k?n] of a fraction 約分

changing factions to a common denominator [d?'nɑm?,net?] 通分

fractional equation 分式方程 fraction ['fr?k?n] 分式

inverse [?n'v?s] proportional [pr?'por?n!] function ['f?k?n] 反比例函數

hyperbola [ha?'p?b?l?] 雙曲線 parallelogram [,p?r?'l?l?,gr?m] 平行四邊形

rectangle [r?k't?g!] 矩形 rhombus ['rɑmb?s] 菱形

square [skw?r] 正方形 trapezium [tr?'piz?m] 梯形

isosceles [a?'sɑs!,iz] trapezium 等腰梯形 barycenter 重心

weighted ['wet?d] average ['?v?r?d?] 加權平均數 weight 全

median ['mid?n] 中位數 mode [mod] 眾數

range [rend?] 極差 variance ['v?r?ns] 方差

quadratic [kwɑd'r?t?k function 二次函數 similar figures ['f?gj?] 相似圖形

similar polygons ['pɑl?,gɑnz]相似多邊形proportional segments ['s?gm?nt] 比例函數

homothetic figures 位似圖形 sine [sa?n] 正弦(sin)

cosine ['kosa?n] 余弦(cos) tangent ['t?nd?nt] 正切(tan)

trigonometric [,tr?g?n?'m?tr?k] function of acute angle 銳角三角形

projection [pr?'d?k?n] 投影 parallel ['p?r?,l?l] projection 平行投影

center projection 中心投影 view [vju] 視圖

algebraic [,?ld?'bre?k] expression 代數式 rotation [ro'te?n] 旋轉

quadratic [kwɑd'r?t?k] equation in one unknow壹元二次方程 root 根

centeral symmetry ['s?m?tr?] figure中心對稱 circle ['s?k!] 圓

center of a circle 圓心 radius['red?s]半徑

chord [k?rd] 弦 diameter [da?'?m?t?] 直徑

arc [ɑrk]弧 semi ['s?m?] -circle 半圓

centeral angle 圓心角 angle in a circular segment ['s?gm?nt] 圓周角

circumcircle 外接圓 circumcenter 外心

tangent ['t?nd?nt] line切線 inscribed circle 內切圓

incenter 內心 random ['r?nd?m] event [?'v?nt] 隨機事件

proability 概率 tree diagram ['da?,gr?m] 樹形圖

