古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - glass walls是什麽意思

glass walls是什麽意思

glass walls的意思是玻璃墻的意思。


1、magnifying glass放大鏡stained glass有色玻璃,彩色玻璃a glass of壹杯glass jar玻璃罐,玻璃瓶water glass水玻璃,玻璃筒鏡glass ceiling玻璃天花板,隱形封頂glass cloth玻璃砂布。玻璃纖維織物。

2、glass wool玻璃棉,玻璃絨glass case玻璃盒,玻璃櫥glass eye玻璃假眼volcanic glass黑曜巖cut glass刻花玻璃準確的。

3、He collected them and put them into a glass jar 罐子,patiently.他把它們收集起來,耐心地放進壹個玻璃罐裏。Shimmering (閃爍的) glass towers line the canal's edge. 閃爍的玻璃大廈沿運河矗立。

4、Bury glass far away from rivers. 把玻璃埋在遠離河流的地方。Passengers can choose the glass-dome cars. 乘客可以選擇玻璃穹頂車。Tiny pieces of glass were everywhere. 玻璃碎片到處都是。


1、walls have ears隔墻有耳be bouncing off the walls精力充沛得待不住。激動得難以平靜be climbing the walls感到無能為力prison walls監獄,監獄圍墻,牢獄these four walls這四面墻。這四堵墻flood walls防洪墻,防汛墻。

2、ivy-covered walls爬滿常春藤的墻壁,墻上爬滿常春藤blood-vessel walls血管壁peach-colored walls桃紅色的墻壁rough-hewn walls粗制的墻high-altitude walls高空墻壁club's walls俱樂部的墻waist-high walls齊腰高的墻。

3、It has?walls?decorated with jewels.它的墻壁裝飾著珠寶。It turns dirty?walls?into artistic works.它把骯臟的墻壁變成了藝術作品。She moved a curtain on one of the?walls?and discovered another door, a very small one.她拉開其中壹面墻上的窗簾。

4、Hired Joe to paint all the?walls?of its buildings.聘請喬在屋裏的所有墻壁上作畫。Some of the caves even have paintings on the?walls.有些洞穴的墻上甚至有畫。Several of the mice are observed running around the cage?walls.觀察到幾只老鼠在籠子的四周奔跑。