[
weit
]
n.
重量,體重,重擔
詞形變化:
動詞過去式:weighted
過去分詞:weighted
現在分詞:weighting
第三人稱單數:weights
例句與用法:
1.
He
gained
some
weight
recently.
近來,他的體重增加了。
2.
His
opinion
doesn't
carry
much
weight.
他的意見沒多少影響。
3.
The
loss
of
the
money
has
been
a
weight
on
my
mind.
丟錢的事總是壓在我心裏。
4.
He
has
put
on
weight
since
last
saw
him.
自從我上次見到他以來,他又長胖了。
5.
The
full
weight
of
decision-making
falls
on
her.
決策的重任全落在她的肩上了。
6.
The
pillars
have
to
support
the
weight
of
the
roof.
這些柱子須承受屋頂的重量。