古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 邊緣系統用英語怎麽說 邊緣系統英語翻譯?

邊緣系統用英語怎麽說 邊緣系統英語翻譯?

邊緣系統在英語中的翻譯是”limbic -“,還經常被譯作 limbikus rendszer,在《英語漢語大辭典》中,***找到14個與邊緣系統相關的短語翻譯和用法。

paraneoplastic syndrome PNS ( 副腫瘤性邊緣系統腦炎 )

Deep Limbic System ( 深層邊緣系統 )

1. ? Getting closer to the edge

2. impulses are primarily driven by activitiesin the limbic region, ventral striatum, and nucleus accumbens.


3. Oh, pick it up from the corner…

4. Almost at the ends of the earth, ?C’est presque au bout du monde

5. Systems report, communications.

6. – You were on the edge of losing control.

7. Full-fledged sledge Rza edge

8. The edge is surrounded by traps.

9. What, like, Edge Evans or Dave Edge?

10. Along the edges of the tectonic plate.

11. Stay on the edge of the crowd.

12. Try to free up those edges.

13. it’s on the point of collapse

14. He’s over there on the ledge.
