"龍蝦"在英文中的單詞是 "lobster",音標為 /?l?bst?r/。
1. Elephant - [?l?f?nt]:大象
- Elephants are the largest land animals.
- 大象是最大的陸地動物。
2. Tiger - [?ta?ɡ?r]:老虎
- Tigers are known for their distinctive orange and black stripes.
- 老虎以其獨特的橙色和黑色條紋而聞名。
3. Giraffe - [dr?f]:長頸鹿
- The giraffe is the tallest land animal, with a long neck and long legs.
- 長頸鹿是最高的陸地動物,具有長脖子和長腿。
4. Penguin - [?p?ɡw?n]:企鵝
- Penguins are flightless birds that live in the Antarctic region.
- 企鵝是無法飛行的鳥類,生活在南極地區。
5. Dolphin - [?d?lf?n]:海豚
- Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals known for their playful behavior.
- 海豚是以其活潑的行為而聞名的高度智能的海洋哺乳動物。
6. Lion - [?la?n]:獅子
- Lions are known as the king of the jungle and are often seen as a symbol of power and strength.
- 獅子被譽為叢林之王,常被視為力量和強大的象征。
7. Eagle - [?i?ɡl]:鷹
- Eagles are large birds of prey known for their keen eyesight and powerful wings.
- 鷹是以其敏銳的視力和強大的翅膀而聞名的大型猛禽。