古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - composites


洛陽理工學院 機電工程系 材料成型教研室

Unit 3 Structure-Property Relationships of Materials

Today’s materials can be classified as metals and alloys, as polymers or plastics, as ceramics, or as composites; composites, most of which are man-made, actually are combinations of different materials.


Application of these materials depend on their properties; therefore, we need to know what properties are required by the application and to be able to relate those specification to the material.


For example, a ladder must withstand a design load, the weight of a person using the ladder. However, the material property that can be measured is strength, which is affected by the load and design dimension. Strength values must therefore be applied to determined the ladder dimensions to ensure safe use. Therefore, in general, the structures of metallic materials have effects on their properties.


In a “tensile test” a sample is gradually elongated to failure and the tensile force required to elongate the sample is measured using a load cell throughout the test. The result is a plot of tensile force versus elongation.


The problem is that the load required to elongated the sample by a certain extent depends upon the dimension of the sample. This would be a big problem if , for example, mechanical property data were to be used to design a bridge, since it is clearly impossible to test an entire bridge. Thus what is clearly needed is to make the data from the tensile test independent of the size of the sample.


Thus, what is clearly needed is to make the data from the tensile test independent of the size of the sample. To achieve this end, we use “stress” and “strain”.The “true” stress( ) is defined as : ,where F=force applied to the sample at any given instant and A= current cross-sectional area of the sample.