1、dean Granholm,the vice president for delivery and post office operations,said thefirst wave of closings would begin this fall.(負責郵遞和郵局業務的副總裁迪安·格蘭霍姆(deanGranholm)表示,第壹輪關閉將於今年秋季開始)。
2、 dean, her mother,and brother were placed in lifeboat 10,and they were among thefirst off the liner out of the 706 passengers and crew who escaped.
3、He also began a running feud with dean Acheson.(他也開始和艾奇遜院長發生接連不斷的爭執)。
4、Following the Harvard scandal, Mary Miller, the former dean of students at Yalemade an impassioned appeal to her school's professors to refrain from take-home exams.