古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - Nv Wa Creating Human Beings(女媧造人)

Nv Wa Creating Human Beings(女媧造人)

Theworld presented a picture of great vitality after Pan Gu’s creation . The sunshined in the daytime while the moon glowed at night . The trees and grass flourished , and rivers never ceased to run .


at goddess Nv Wawas joyful to see this , but meanwhile she was always immersed in loneliness and felt something was missing . One day ,Nv Wa came to a river and her eyes unconsciously fell on the placid water . Seeing her reflection inthe water , Nv Wa was suddenly enlightened that the lack of creature of her ownkind was leading cause for her loneliness.


With thisthought, Nv Wa dug out some soil, mixed it with water and kneaded and shaped itinto a small muddy figure on the basis of her appearance. The muddy doll becamealive once it fell on the ground, jumping up and down. On the sight of thelittle creature she made, Nv Wa was filled with pleasure and she kept on makingdolls with the hope that they could be everywhere on the earth. But merely onher own, there was hardly a chance that she could realize her dream.


She paused tothink and finally came up with a fantastic idea. Pulling a cane from the cliff , NvWa thrust one end of the cane in the mud. And then she withdrew it from the mudand brandished it in the air. The mud on the cane was thrown towards the groundwhere countless splashing mud dropsturned into numerous small dolls . Afterwards , she made both boy dolls andgirl dolls , letting them live together , marry , conceive and raise their offspring . Human beings havethus survived from generation to generation.


? NvWa Fiesta , as one of the five great ancestral worship ceremonies in China ,was listed in the first batch of the national-level “intangible culturalheritage ” in folk category in 2006.




v. 發出微弱而穩定的光;因色彩濃烈而微微發光;(人體或臉)(運動後或激動)而發紅;(因溫暖、健康而)容光煥發;喜形於色

n. 微弱穩定的光;滿面紅光;金色;喜悅;持續不變的光(或熱)


v. 繁榮,茂盛;茁壯成長,處於旺盛時期;揮舞;炫耀

n. 誇張動作;出色部分;華麗辭藻;花彩字;(管弦樂)花彩號聲


vt. 沈浸;使陷入


adj. 平靜的;溫和的;沈著的


vt. 啟發,啟蒙;教導,開導;照耀


n. 手杖;藤條;細長的莖

vt. 以杖擊;以藤編制


n. 懸崖;絕壁

splash /spl?/

v. 潑灑;把(水、泥等)潑在……上;(在水中)濺著水花行走;(在顯著位置)刊登

n. 落水聲;拍水;濺上的液體;色塊;(非正式)摻飲料的少量液體;(非正式)要聞;(非正式)引人註目的效果


vt. 懷孕;構思;以為;持有

vi. 懷孕;設想;考慮