prefer to:更加喜歡,寧願,寧可,更喜歡做某事;\x0d\短語:\x0d\prefer boys to girls 重男輕女\x0d\prefer composition to inheritance 組合優於繼承\x0d\prefer English to Chinese 比起語文更喜歡英語\x0d\prefer life to dishonor 貪生怕死\x0d\prefer not to say 不想說\x0d\prefer Debbie to me 我更願意黛比,我喜歡黛比\x0d\prefer not to 不想,不想說\x0d\近義詞:\x0d\would rather,would prefer\x0d\例句:\x0d\Most people prefer buying to sewing. \x0d\大多數人寧願買現成的衣服而不自己縫制了。\x0d\I prefer to be with people|who can see the funny side of life. \x0d\我更喜歡跟能看到生活中有趣壹面的人在壹起。\x0d\We prefer to stay where we are. \x0d\我們寧願保持著現在的樣子。\x0d\So, like me, I prefer talking to young people, because they are forming their minds, they are developing, and he had a method of how to educate them. \x0d\正如我,我喜歡和年輕人說話,因為他們正在形成自己的思想,他們正在發展,他有壹套方法去教育他們。