古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - defense和defence區別是什麽?



"Defense" 是美式英語中的拼寫,而 "defence" 是英式英語中的拼寫,兩者在意思上完全相同,都表示“防禦”或“保衛”。選擇使用哪個拼寫通常取決於妳所使用的英語風格(美式或英式)。


歐克,最後再來壹波?defense和defence?的具體區別?:區別1: 拼寫和用法- "defense" 是美式英語中的拼寫,表示“防禦”或“防衛”。- "defence" 是英式英語中的拼寫,表示“防禦”或“防衛”。


1. The country has a strong defense system to protect its borders. (這個國家有壹個強大的防禦系統來保護其邊界。)

2. The army is responsible for the defense of the nation. (軍隊負責國家的防衛。)


1. The team's defense was impenetrable, and they won the game. (這支隊伍的防守無懈可擊,他們贏得了比賽。)

2. The castle was built as a fortress for defense against enemy attacks. (這座城堡是為了防禦敵人的攻擊而建造的堡壘。)

區別2: 地區差異- "defense" 是在美式英語中常用的拼寫。- "defence" 是在英式英語中常用的拼寫。


1. The coach emphasized the importance of a strong defense in the game. (教練強調了比賽中強大防守的重要性。)

2. The team's defense strategy proved to be effective in stopping the opponent's attacks. (這支隊伍的防守策略證明在阻止對手的進攻方面很有效。)


1. The Ministry of Defence is responsible for the nation's security. (國防部門負責國家的安全。)

2. The soldiers were trained in various defense techniques. (士兵們接受了各種防衛技術的訓練。)

區別3: 文體和正式程度

- "defense" 更常見於美式英語的書面和口語用法,用於各種正式和非正式場合。

- "defence" 更常見於英式英語的書面和口語用法,同樣適用於各種正式和非正式場合。


1. The lawyer presented a strong defense for his client in the courtroom. (律師在法庭上為他的當事人提出了堅實的辯護。)

2. The politician discussed the country's defense strategy during the press conference. (政治家在新聞發布會上討論了國家的防禦戰略。)


1. The company invested in cybersecurity as part of its defense against cyber threats. (該公司投資於網絡安全,作為對網絡威脅的防禦措施之壹。)

2. The government allocated funds to strengthen the country's defense capabilities. (政府撥款加強國家的防衛能力。)

區別4: 用途和習慣搭配- "defense" 和 "defence" 在意義上是相同的,均表示“防禦”或“防衛”。- 在不同的英語語境中,人們習慣使用相應的拼寫。


1. The team's defense was praised by the coach. (教練稱贊了隊伍的防守。)

2. The player made a crucial block during the defense of their goal. (該球員在守衛他們的球門時進行了關鍵的封堵。)


1. The Ministry of Defence announced new measures to enhance national security. (國防部宣布了加強國家安全的新措施。)

2. The country's defense forces are prepared to respond to any external threats. (該國的防衛部隊已準備好應對任何外部威脅。)