古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - Chinese-European commercial and economic relations

Chinese-European commercial and economic relations

Economic relations between China and Europe

The continuous observation of economic relations between both regions is of crucial importance for Hong Kong. In particular, economic relations will be one of the major topics addressed by the Master in European Studies and Sino-European Relations to be launched by the GIS Department in September 2004. Close connections are established in this respect with European economic interests in Hong Kong. Specific research activities will be organised in the coming years.

Political relations between China and Europe

This programme builds on a previous joint project between HKBU/GIS and the University of Giessen (Germany), funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the University Grants Council (UGC). It focuses both on relations between China and European countries, and on the development of relations between China and the European Union. It is conducted by staff members of the GIS and China Studies and scholars from Europe. The programme regularly runs conferences and publications.

Chronicle of EU-China Relations

The ECP develops an archive on the European Union and China. The archive mainly consists of newspaper clippings from international and Chinese media. It publishes regular reports on current developments of EU-China relations. The ECP aims at publishing the chronicle on a regular basis.

The chronicle is divided into four parts: political relations, economic relations, cultural relations and military relations. It includes an index of all sources used (English and Chinese), among them BBC, Asian Wall Street Journal, Beijing Review, China Daily, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Guangming Ribao, Renmin Ribao, South China Morning Post, Summary of World Broadcasts (BBC), Xinhua, and Internet editions of various international newspapers. The chronicle is of considerable help for researchers who work on contemporary relations between the EU and China.