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4. 具有藝術審美價值 Art has the aesthetic value

它包含兩方面意思,即翻譯本身的藝術性和譯名的藝術性。 It contains two meaning, that is, the translation itself and the artistic translation of the art. 斯坦納(cf.金堤,1998:4)認為,翻譯是“壹門不折不扣的藝術。”電影片名的翻譯也是如此,因為它是譯者以被譯電影為依據而進行的壹種創造性活動。 Steiner (cf. Gimje, 1998:4) believe that the translation is "an out-and-out art." Translate the film's title is true, because it is the translator to translate the film was based and carried out by a Kind of creative activity. 另外,隨著生活水平提高,人們的審美水平也在不斷提高,客觀上要求譯名具有藝術性,可供欣賞,引起***鳴。 In addition, as the standard of living, people's aesthetic standards are rising, the objective requirements have been translated into art for appreciation, resonate. 好的譯名傳遞著“美”的信息,常引起觀眾遐想,有先睹為快的強烈欲望。 Have been translated into a good pass, "the United States", the audience often reverie, there is a strong desire to see in advance. Gone With the Wind,It Happened One Night,the Secret Agent分別被譯為“亂世佳人”、“壹夜風流”和“間諜末日”,可謂其中的代表。 Gone With the Wind, It Happened One Night, the Secret Agent were translated as "Gone with the Wind" and "It Happened One Night" and "espionage doomsday", which can be described. 從譯文可看出,譯名言簡意賅,字裏行間傳遞了強烈的信息,且具有音韻之美,這是漢語文化的壹大特點。 Yes, we can see from, have been translated into concise, between the lines transmit a strong message and music with the beauty of this is a major Chinese cultural characteristics. 要達到以上標準,譯者須有很高的漢語文字造詣。 To achieve the above criteria, the translator must be highly versed in Chinese characters.

筆者以為,以上四種原則是電影片名翻譯中應遵循的基本原則。 I think, more than four principles are translated film titles to be followed in the past. 但這並不是說,翻譯每部電影的片名時,都得將它們壹壹對號入座。 However, this does not mean that every film translation of the title, one by one they will have to sit in the right seats. 事實上,這幾乎不可能。 In fact, it is almost impossible.

五、 結語 V. Conclusion

翻譯是從壹種符號轉換到另壹種語言符號的再創造活動。 Translation is a symbol conversion from one language to another symbol of the re-creation activities. 翻譯的實質,是雙語間意義的對應轉換。 Translation of the essence, is a bilingual significance between the corresponding conversion. 不可否認,當前片名在這意義轉換的過程中,存在良莠不分的現象,但因各個譯者自身水平、經驗、審美觀點不同,譯名質量自有高低之分。 It is undeniable that the current title in this sense in the process of conversion, Liang You regardless of the existence of the phenomenon, but their translator in all levels of experience, the aesthetic point of view, the quality of translation of its own hierarchy. 但筆者認為,為充分發揮譯者的創造性,可允許多種譯名同時存在。 However, I believe that, in order to give full play to the creativity of the translator, can be allowed to have been translated into a number of the case. 第壹、就翻譯的***時角度而言,這種解讀同樣作品由不同理解產生的詮釋或許都有其全理性,都有積極的壹面,符合水平不同讀者的需要。 First, when they were translated on the point of view, this interpretation of the same works have a different understanding of the interpretation may have its wholly rational, there is a positive side, in line with the level of different audiences. 第二、隨著歷史的發展,過去和現在人們解讀同壹部電影時的審美標準也了生了變化。 The second, with the history of development, past and present, people interpret the same film at the time of the aesthetic standards of Health has changed. 若非某片名已被廣泛接受,將壹些片名再譯以符合當代人的審美情趣,也是可接受的。 If a title is widely accepted, some of the titles will be re-translated in order to meet the contemporary aesthetics of human life and is also acceptable. 當然經典的譯名已深入人心,若非確定有把握,改譯、另譯似已無必要。 Of course, the classic has been translated into people, to determine if there is sure to translate, and the other appears to have no translation necessary. 但譯名多了,為避免造成混亂,應在括號內加以註明。 However, have been translated into more, in order to avoid confusion, should be marked in brackets. Gone With the Wind先被譯為“亂世佳人”,而後為“飄”,就是最好的例子。 Gone With the Wind was first translated as "Gone with the Wind" and then "Gone with the Wind" is the best example.