古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - mgmtadmin 翻譯

mgmtadmin 翻譯


mgmt 在英文裏是Management 的縮寫;

admin 則是?Administrative 或?Administration 的縮寫。

您想找的英文全名如果只是此二單詞(組合起來的專有名詞) 應該是 Management and Administration。如是與其他單詞壹起組合就可能使用?Administrative ?壹詞。

Management and Administration 翻成中文有"經營與管理" 或 "管理與行政" 的意思。



The administration is the top level of the organization with the decisive functions. They are responsible for determining the policies and objectives of the organization or the firm. The administration includes the people who are either owners or partners of the firm. They usually contribute to the firm’s capital and earn profits or returns on their investment.?

也就是說?administration 層的人,是具有決定性作用的最高層。他們負責確定組織或企業的政策和目標。這群人當中還包括業主或與該公司合作的夥伴,他們通常有助於公司的資本,賺取投資收益或回報。


Management, on the other hand is the middle level executive function. They implement the policies and objectives as decided by the administration. Management usually incorporates the employees of the firm who use their skills for the firm in return for remuneration.?
