古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - establish詳細資料大全




vt.建立,創建; 確立或使安全; 使被安排好; 使成為;


基本介紹 外文名 :establish 詞性 :動詞 英式音標 :[?'st?bl?; e-]? 美式音標 :[?'st?bl?] 發音,釋義,短語,例句, 發音 英 [?'st?bl?; e-] 美 [?'st?bl?] 釋義 vt. 使(某種花色剩余的牌)都能贏 使(某牌)成為該花色中最大的牌 建立,締造( *** 、國家等),設立(公司等),創立;創辦(學校、醫院等);建造(房屋等):

to establish a university


to establish a company


to establish a medical practice

建立醫業 使開業,使營業;使立足於;(因結婚、就業等)使安身,使立身;扶植;使任職,派,委任:

to establish one's child in business


Jack quickly established himself as a powerful member of the new company.

傑克在新公司裏使自己很快成為壹名強有力的成員。 安置,安頓;安排:

They are now comfortably established in their new house.

他們現在已經舒舒服服地在新居裏安頓下來了。 證明,證實;確定;表明:

to establish the facts of the matter


to establish the truth of a story


to establish one's case at law

在法律上證實某人的訴訟 使成為,使發生;造成:

efforts to establish a friendship

建立友誼的努力 確立,樹立,創立(理論、聲望等);使(先例等)被接受,使被承認,認可:

He established himself as a leading surgeon.


to establish a custom


to establish a habit

使習慣定型 永久(或穩定)地建立;使固定;使穩定,使穩固,使牢固;使(信仰等)堅定:

to establish order

穩定秩序 制定,規定(如法律、法令、法規、成文律等);頒布;命令;指定:

to establish laws


be established by law

為法律所規定 定(某宗教)為國教,使成為國教:

The established religion of Egypt is Islam.

埃及的國教是伊斯蘭教。 (在虛構類文藝作品中)使(場景、人物等)確切可信 牌戲 植物學使(植物)定植 vi. (植物)定植 短語 establish oneself in 在…落戶,定居在 establish as 確立為…;使成為… establish a business 創業;設立商店 unable to establish 不能成立 例句 The politicians jockeyed about in order to establish relative power within the party.為了確立在黨內相應的權力,政客們調整了自己的位置。 Otherwise, you would have to establish the same file location in every single assetregistry, rather than specifying it once. 否則的話,您已經在每壹個資產註冊中建立相同的檔案位置了,而不是僅僅對它指定壹次。 The ability to do almost anything you like is powerful, but it can also lead touncertainty about what you should do and how to establish a standard approachto development. 可以做您希望的幾乎任何事情,這非常強大,但是也帶來了不確定性,比如應該做什麽以及如何建立壹種標準的開發方法。