seem [si:m]
vi. 象是, 似乎
/ si?0?9m; sim/
v [La, Ln, Ipr, It] ~ (to sb) (to be) sth; ~ like sth (not used in progressive tenses 不用於進行時態) have or give the impression or appearance of being or doing sth; appear 似乎; 好像; 仿佛: She seems happy (to me). (我看)她好像很愉快. * Do whatever seems best. 只要覺察出是最好的, 就去做. * It seems (to me) (to be) the best solution. (依我看)這似乎是最好的解決辦法. * It seemed like a disaster at the time. 在當時那就像是壹場災難. * She seems (to me) to be right/It seems (to me) that she's right. (我看)她做得對. * It would seem that..., ie a cautious way of saying, `It seems that...' 看來似乎是...(為It seems that...的含蓄說法) * `She's leaving.' `So it seems', ie People say so. ‘她要走了.’‘據說是這樣.’ * They seem to know what they're doing. 他們好像明白他們做的事情. * I can't seem to (ie It seems that I can't) stop coughing. 我的咳嗽看來止不住了. =>Usage at appear 用法見appear. .
(idm 習語) it seems/seemed as if.../as though...the impression is/was given that... 看樣子...; 看起來...; 似乎...; 好像...: It always seemed as though they would marry in the end. 久而久之, 看來他們終歸得結婚.
> seeming adj [attrib 作定語] appearing to be sth, but perhaps not being this in fact; apparent 似是而非的; 看上去的; 貌似的: seeming intelligence, interest, anger 貌似聰明、 有興趣、 氣憤 * Despite his seeming deafness, he could hear every word. 別看他好像耳背, 他每個字都聽得見. seemingly adv in appearance; apparently 看上去; 表面上: They were seemingly unaware of the decision. 他們似乎並不了解這個決定.