These adjectives signify capable of occurring or of being done.
Possible indicates that something may happen, exist, be true, or be realizable:
Possisle 表示某件事可能發生、存在、成為真實或成為可實現的:
“I beseech you . . . think it possible you may be mistaken” (Oliver Cromwell).
我懇請妳…相信可能是妳錯了” (奧立弗·克倫威爾)。
“Only the initiated know and honor those [scientists] whose patient integrity and devotion to exact observation have made the last step possible” (Hans Zinsser).
“只有受教者才知道並且稱贊這些 他們的有耐性的誠懇及對精確觀察的投入使最後壹步成為可能” (漢斯·辛瑟)。
Workable is used of something that can be put into effective operation:
Workable 形容可有效實行的事物:
Assuming that the scheme is workable, how will you begin to implement it? Something that ispracticable is capable of being effected, done, or put into practice:
假設這個計劃是可行的,妳將怎樣開始實現它呢? Practicable 形容能夠被影響、完成或執行的事:
“As soon as it was practicable, he would wind up his business” (George Eliot).
“壹旦可行,他也將結束他的生意” (喬治·艾略特)。
Feasible refers to what can be accomplished, brought about, or carried out:
Feasible 指能夠完成、實施或執行的:
Making cars by hand is possible but not economically feasible. Somethingviable is both practicable and workable; the term often implies capacity for continuing effectiveness or success:
手工制造汽車是可能的,但從經濟角度講是行不通的。 Viable 指既可行又能有效實行的; 這個詞經常表示延續有效性或成功的能力:
“How viable are the ancient legends as vehicles for modern literary themes?” (Richard Kain).
“將古代傳說作為表達現代文學主題的工具,這樣的可行性有多少呢?” (理查德·凱恩)
likely 系常用詞, 指“從表面跡象來看很有可能”, 如:
The likely out come of the contest varies from moment to moment.
possible 指“由於有適當的條件和方法, 某事可能發生或做到”, 強調“客觀上有可能”, 但常含有“實際希望很小”的意思, 如:
It is possible to go to the moon now.
probable 語氣比 possible 強, 指“有根據、合情理、值得相信的事物, 帶有‘大概’、‘很可能’”的意思, 如:
l don't think the story is probable.