1. to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)
<celebrate> <minister> <taste> <come off> <holding> <celebration> <held> <stage>
1. 在倫敦和紐約同時舉行示威遊行。
The simultaneous demonstrations are held in London and New York.
2. 招待會在草地中的亭子裏舉行。
The reception was held in a pavilion on the lawn.
3. 壹個國際性的會議下月將在北京舉行。
An international conference will be held in Beijing next month.
4. 這種會議將每年舉行壹次。
The meeting will be held annually.
5. 鐵路模型展銷會將於星期五舉行。
A model railway mart will be held on Friday.
6. 這個星期天浸信會教友將要舉行壹場典禮。
The Baptist will hold a ceremony this Sunday.
7. 我們每年舉行壹次大學校友聯歡會。
We hold an annual reunion of former students of the college.
8. 有關環境的會議將在下周壹舉行。
The convocation about environment will be held on next Monday