古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - Hang in there

Hang in there

以下是手工翻譯的 由於對rap壹無所知 所以做了很久的功課 希望妳能滿意

Album: Gangsta Lean (Capitol)

Songwriters: Tracey Carter, Chris Jackson and EJ Turner

Hit #1: November 13th, 1993 (6 Weeks)

專輯:Gangsta Lean (Capitol)

詞曲:Tracey Carter, Chris Jackson 和 EJ Turner


Now THIS is interesting.


Before Bone Thugs N Harmony amassed huge popularity by blunting rap's bite with intricately sung harmonies, five-part Sacramento hip hop troupe DRS (musical aliases: Endo, Pic, Jail Bait, Deuce Deuce and Blunt) were tearing down the walls between R&B and gangsta rap. At the time, the concept seemed a bit strange, but no matter your reservations at the interesting angle, if you were a R&B fan during the fall of '93, you couldn't escape "Gangsta Lean".

在Bone Thugs N Harmony樂隊通過摻以協調韻律的rap演繹積攢了大量人氣之前,來自Sacramento的五人hiphop組合DRS(藝名:Endo, Pic, Jail Bait, Deuce Deuce and Blunt)正在打破 R&B和匪幫說唱之間的藩籬。那段時間,這壹概念似乎有些奇特,但無論妳在興趣選擇上持有怎樣的保留意見,只要93年秋天妳是壹個R&B粉絲,妳都無法逃避"Gangsta Lean"的侵襲。

Think BTNH's "Crossroads", Coolio's "C U When I Get There" or Master P's "I Really Miss My Homies", omit the rappers and put Jodeci in their place and you have "Gangsta Lean". Dedicated to fallen homies, the track borders "SNL" parody, especially with lyrics that are sung rather than rapped ("I tip my 40 to your memory/ Take a drink and I start to think/...I know one day soon/...We'll be hangin' out."; "My God/ Won't you pass a message for me/ Tell him put down those dice for a second Lord/ And listen to his homies"). Yet regardless of DRS' odd choice of performance, their soulful mourning is sturdy and moving, spotlighting an all-too-real tragedy many families were unfortunately far too familiar with at the time.

想象下BTNH的"Crossroads", Coolio的"C U When I Get There"或者Master P的"I Really Miss My Homies",把這些歌中rap部分的演唱者換成Jodeci,妳就能感受到"Gangsta Lean"的韻味。為紀念逝去的同伴,這首歌和“SNL”很相仿,尤其是其中的抒情詩是用歌唱而不是說唱來演繹。(如"I tip my 40 to your memory/ Take a drink and I start to think/...I know one day soon/...We'll be hangin' out."; "My God/ Won't you pass a message for me/ Tell him put down those dice for a second Lord/ And listen to his homies").雖然摒棄了DRS古怪的表演方式,他們發自靈魂的悲慟仍十分堅實感人,在當時將很多家庭不得不接受的真實的悲劇訴諸公眾。

Despite spending six weeks at #1 and earning a heralded response from critics and fans alike for bringing attention to a sobering aspect of the dominant gangsta rap scene, "Gangsta Lean" was DRS' sole hit and they quickly faded back into obscurity. They've barely been mentioned about since.

盡管占據榜首長達六個星期之久,同預期的壹樣贏得了來自批評家和歌迷的熱烈反響,並且為匪幫說唱贏得了壹席之地,"Gangsta Lean"是DRS唯壹的重磅,他們很快就從音樂界隱退,從此以後他們就很少被人提及。