龍卷英文名:rainspout;twister ;tornado。
1、The surface pressure at the centre of the tornado is shown in figure 7.26.陸龍卷中心的地面氣壓如圖7.26所示。
2、I reported previously that there was a tornado last summer in my home town.我先前報告說在去年夏天的時候我的家鄉會有壹場龍卷。
3、Waterspouts and hailstorms occur infrequently , while snow and tornadoes are rare . climatological data are given in appendix 55.水龍卷和冰雹偶有出現,降雪和陸龍卷則屬罕見。
4、Although much less frequent , tornadoes or waterspouts reaching the coast have caused damage to buildings in hong kong.陸龍卷及登陸後的水龍卷都曾在香港對建築物造成破壞,雖然這種情況較為罕見。?
5、Call them twisters or tornadoes , the nature ' s most violent storms with swirling winds that can top 3 hundred miles per hour.龍卷風是自然界最猛烈的風暴,其龍卷時速可高達三百英裏。