the
last
time
上壹次:
last
time
舉例:
最後壹次看到他時,他還相當健康。
The
last
time
(when)
saw
him,
he
was
quite
well
他故伎重演,
耍的花招和上壹次的同出壹轍。
He
is
up
to
his
old
tricks
again,
exactly
the
same
as
he
did
last
time
the
last
time
上壹次:
last
time
舉例:
最後壹次看到他時,他還相當健康。
The
last
time
(when)
saw
him,
he
was
quite
well
他故伎重演,
耍的花招和上壹次的同出壹轍。
He
is
up
to
his
old
tricks
again,
exactly
the
same
as
he
did
last
time