■consumable:something that you buy and use, after which you buy a new one(消費品). e.g.
low-margin consumables like health and beauty aids
Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.
■deliverable: a product that a company promises to have ready for a customer(交付物). e.g.
computer software deliverables
■disposable:a disposable product, especially a disposable nappy(壹次性物品,尤指壹次性尿布). e.g.
paper disposables
plastic disposables
medical disposables
Do you use disposables or washable nappies?
It's estimated that around 80 per cent of babies wear disposables.
■durable:Durables are goods such as televisions or cars which are expected to last a long time, and are bought infrequently(耐用品)
■inflatable:an object that you fill with air before you use it, for example a ball or boat(充氣玩具).
■notable:an important or famous person(名人,顯要人物). e.g.
All the usual local notables were there.
Other notables among his pupils were the kings of Saudi Arabia and Thailand.
■portable: something that is portable, for example a small computer or other small piece of electrical equipment(便攜式物品。尤指便攜式電腦或電子設備). e.g.
The document had been typed on a small portable.
We bought a colour portable for the bedroom.
The kids are upstairs watching the portable (= television).
■receivable:assets of a business represented by accounts that still have to be paid(應收帳款)
■rechargeable:a rechargeable battery(蓄電池). eg.
It is more expensive to run a personal stereo on disposable batteries than on rechargeables.
■undesirable:someone who is thought to be dangerous or involved in crime (不良分子;不受歡迎的人). eg.
The club hires a bouncer to keep out undesirables.
The Home Office is usually quick to deport undesirables.