abbr.Pressure Thermit Welding 壓力鋁熱焊
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鈦酸鉀晶須(potassium titanate whisker);工作許可證;鈦酸鉀晶須;鈦酸鉀晶須(potassium titanate whiskers)
1. The amount of? PTW ? J ? transcript decreased rapidly when Pi ? starved rice plants were re? supplied with Pi.
2. Comparisons of the toughing effects of SWR - 6 B with those of MN - PTW ( Dupont, US ) and AX 8900 ( Atochem, France ) on PBT were made.
同時對比了SWR 6B 和美國杜邦MNPTW及法國 阿托 AX8900等對PBT及增強PBT性能 的影響.
Pressure Thermit Welding 壓力鋁熱焊
Permit to Work (UK) 作業許可證(英國)
Play to Win 獲勝
Price to Win 價格來贏得
Personal Training Weapon 個人訓練的武器
Personal Training Workstation 個人訓練工作站
Pirate the World (online pirate game) 海盜世界(網上盜版遊戲)
Play the World (Civilization 3 game) 玩遊戲世界文明3
Player to Watch 球員去看
Poison The Well 下毒