They will cross the waters tomorrow.他們明天要渡海.
The waters of the lake flow out over a large waterfall.這個湖的水流出後形成壹個大瀑布.
This is where the waters of Amazon flow out into the sea.這就是亞馬孫河入海的地方.
British territorial waters 英國的海域
British waters were a “military area”.英國領海是“軍事區”.
The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased.沿海魚的.數量已減少了.
The ship successfully underwent sea trials in coastal waters.那條船在近海水域試航成功.
We drink table waters.我們喝瓶裝礦泉水.
A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.壹首偉大的詩篇猶如壹座噴泉,永遠噴出智慧和歡樂的水花.
註:take [drink] the waters 為習語,指喝礦泉水治療或到礦泉勝地療養.如:
He went abroad to drink the waters 他出國去進行礦泉治療.
He is taking [drinking] the waters at Bath.他在巴斯進行礦泉治療.
The flood waters are going down.洪水漸退.
The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters.水壩不太堅固,擋不住洪水.
The waters of the two rivers mingled (together) to form one river.兩條河匯合成壹條.
in smooth water(s) 進展順利,壹帆風順
pour oil on troubled waters平息風波,作和事佬,調停爭端
fish in muddy waters 趁火打劫,混水摸魚
fish in troubled waters 混水摸魚