done
形容詞
幹得好的意思,壹般情況下是壹種"感嘆"的語氣,
當別人某件事幹得漂亮時所給予的誇獎。
well
done
例句
1.
The
work
is
well
done
in
a
way.
這份工作幹得不錯
2.
Well
done!
很棒,做得好
3.
Well
done
is
better
than
well
said.說得好不如做得好。
done
形容詞
幹得好的意思,壹般情況下是壹種"感嘆"的語氣,
當別人某件事幹得漂亮時所給予的誇獎。
well
done
例句
1.
The
work
is
well
done
in
a
way.
這份工作幹得不錯
2.
Well
done!
很棒,做得好
3.
Well
done
is
better
than
well
said.說得好不如做得好。