古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - altogether和all together在句中的用法有何不同?

altogether和all together在句中的用法有何不同?

妳好,altogether和all together的用法區別為:

1. altogether:altogether是副詞,意思包括


例句:The noise has altogether stopped.

總***(including everything)

例句: I’d like to have nine oranges altogether.

總而言之(considering everything)

例句:Altogether, the progress is very great.

all together: 是副詞性詞組,意為“總***、壹起”

例句:I paid ?96 all together for the tickets.

例句:people were all together for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

在做“總***”意思用時,altogether 和 all together可以互換使用。