The following rates and charges shall be used solely for calculating the compensation due to Bidder for any Supply and Services provided and such compensation shall be limited to such Supply and Services.
These all inclusive rates and charges shall be deemed to cover and include all charges to be made for such Supply and Services, including but not limited to all additives for overheads and supervision, office personnel, time-keepers and maintenance mechanics, plant, equipment, consumables, materials and spares provided by Bidder, permits, licenses, insurance, taxes applicable in the Country of Operations, risk and profits.
The rates and charges shall be fixed for the entire Term of the Agreement and shall apply irrespective of the location, the number of hours worked in any day or of the day of the week including public holidays.
All charges will be based on an effective working or operating time fixed at 24 hours per day.
COMPANY shall pay the CONTRACTOR Lump Sum Total Contract Price:
US$ __________________ to compensate the Work as specified in the
However, Bidders are requested to provide herein with the breakdown price as per following :
whereas Bidders to supplement any cost items that may occur in the operation based on own professional experience.
2.1 Mobilization & Demobilization charges [Lump Sum Amount] : USD ( )
2.1 調動及遣散費用(壹次付清金額):______美元。
2.2 Installation and Construction charges (To Be Provided According to the attached: Schedule of Compensation)
2.2 安裝與建設費用(將根據附件‘收費列表’中提供)
The Bidder hereby certifies that having carefully examined the ITT, including the Pro-Forma contract and other documents included in this Tender Specification, its Proposed Rates for the Supply and Service herein described have been carefully checked and are hereby submitted as being correct and final for the full Term of the Agreement. Furthermore, this offer to perform the Service for ****. shall remain valid for your acceptance for ninety (90) days following the Tender closing date and may be accepted by COMPANY through notification of the undersigned in writing.