(the) first prize
壹等獎:Meritorious Winner | Meritorious
中壹等獎=win the first prize
問題二:漢翻英:"特等獎"用英語怎麽說? 特等獎
special prize
first prize
問題三:壹等獎 二等獎 三等獎 用英文各是怎麽說 The first Prize
The second Prize
The third Prize
of the contest~~
問題四:壹等獎、優秀獎這些英文怎麽說? 壹等獎 First Prize
二等獎 Second Prize
三等獎 Third Prize
優秀獎 Excellent Prize
壹等獎學金 First Prize Scholarship
二等獎學金 SecondPrize Scholarship
三等獎學金 Third Prize Scholarship
問題五:壹等獎用英文怎麽說 first prize
won the firs prize in the contest
問題六:怎麽用英語說 獲得市賽壹等獎 I won the first prize in the contest in the city.
問題七:"獲獎理由"用英文怎麽說? Award-winning reason或
prize-winning reason
問題八:獲得全國大學生英語演講比賽壹等獎用英語怎麽說 如下:
Won the first prize in the national college students English speech contest。
問題九:請問特等獎的英語怎麽說?急! 10分 特等獎:top grade award
問題十:急!獲獎 用英語怎麽說 XXX got second place in XXX
XXX won second-class reward in XXX
XXX won second prize in XXX