粗略d分就即系成語咁 e.g. 1."to pull one's leg"is an idiom(同某人開玩笑)是慣用語。 2.The idiom ‘rain cats and dogs’ me raining very heavily. proverb就系諺語。是流傳於民間的比較簡練而且言簡意賅的話語。多數反映了勞動人民的生活實踐經驗,而且壹般都是經過口頭傳下來的。它多是口語形式的通俗易懂的短句或韻語。 用英文解釋: "A proverb is a short
generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom
and traditional views in a metaphorical
fixed and memorizable form and which is handed down from generation to generation.” e.g. "Every cloud has a silver lining." "Out of debt
out of danger." "Better to go to bed hungry than to wake up in debt." 仲有好多時d名人講既說話都系proverb既壹種.. 要講兩者的比較就系諺語主要是口語形式的,而成語主要以書面語形式存在..成語言簡意賅. 另外要註意加 "s" >>Proverbs <<系聖經入面既壹節書..所以要留意番既... 呢個網有好多有關idiom既用法&解釋
edict/vlc/idioms/ about proverb.. syvum/proverbs/ P.S.其實idiom & proverb 都分好多種的而用都系大同小異既
idioms除左formal letter唔用得[sure的]
proverb我就唔肯定la!穩陣d可以問下英文teacher =] hope can help =]]
參考: 自己+Wikipedia+yahoo dic.
Thanks alot!!!