only one中文翻譯理解為唯壹、只有壹個、獨壹無二。
It took only one heave to hurl him into the river. 只壹推,就把他推進了河裏。
His testimony, however, was only one in a salvo of new attacks. 然而他的證詞只是新壹輪唇槍舌劍中的壹股火力。
相關詞組:only ones、only on、one only
Zealots aren ' t the only ones who like to run around covered in sparkly red tattoos. 不單單只有狂熱者們喜歡在身上布滿了閃亮的紅色文身。
Vitamin C only on melanoma cells by tyrosinase are stagnant , only over - pigmentation has improved. 維生素 C 僅僅對黑素細胞內的酪氨酸酶有遲滯作用 , 只對過度的色素沈著有所改善。
one only has to drive through this country to see that you're all as rich as barons .人們只需要乘車到這裏瞧瞧,就會發現妳們都和大商人壹樣富裕。