古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - theater的中文翻譯




1、Good morning. Vane?Theater, at your service.(早上好。範恩劇院,願為您效勞。)

2、a drive-in movie?theater.(汽車電影院。)

3、Hi, Gary, what happened? I was waiting for you at the?theater. Why didn’t you meet me there?(嗨,加裏,發生了什麽事?我在電影院等妳。妳為什麽沒去那裏和我碰面呢?)

4、It's the South theater Company.(這是南方戲劇公司。)

5、In the theater, great excitement reigned.(劇院裏壹片激動人心的氣氛。)

6、This is a fantastic chance to perform with musical theater professionals.(這是壹個很好的與音樂戲劇專業人士表演的機會。)

7、The theater caught fire and burnt to the ground.(劇院著火燒成了灰燼。)