古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 洗腳英語


洗腳英語為:wash one 's feet。


I?first took a basin,then poured warm water into the basin,then brought warm water tothe house,finally helped my mother take off her socks,soaked her feet in the warm waterbasin,rubbed her feet,and asked my mother how I felt about washing your feet。After a while,I?brought my mother's slippers and wiped her feet。After putting on the slippers,mymother said,?"it's really comfortable after washing your feet! Dad!" I see。?I'm very sensible。


Floral Footbath 金盆花瓣洗腳。

Footbath Franchise 足浴加盟。

inflatable footbath 充氣洗腳盆。

Used For Footbath 用於保健沐足。

Footbath Basin Series 沐足系列。

the footbath footbottom massage 足底按摩。