古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 表描繪的depict,portray,describe有什麽區別


portray “描繪”、“描述”,指抓住事物的最顯著的特點或人物的肖像、性格、品德、情感,用圖畫或文字方式細膩地描繪.

1) Many teachers will not want to use books in which gender roles are portrayed in a

traditional male-centered way.


2) Although Mathilde is portrayed as a rather sad and lonely figure,it is still she who

controls most of what happens in the story.


depict “描繪”、“描述”,與portray壹樣,也指用圖畫或文字描繪事物或人物.

1) The novelist is noted especially for his skill in depicting character.


2) The oil painting vividly depicts an old farmer who has gone through various trails of



describe “描述”、“描繪”、“形容”,指通過描寫、描述人或事的外表、性質,使人得到壹個清晰地印象.

1) He describes his own method of photographing motor races,and gives hints on the choice

of subjects and viewpoints.


2) Obviously it is very difficult to describe such a complex system in simple,predictive

