古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 購置成本和免稅區的正確英文翻譯是



購置成本:Acquisition cost;AcquisitionCost;purchase cost;免稅區:Tax-free zone;免稅區free perimeter免稅地帶,免稅區;free zone非疫區;免稅區,

按平均購置成本估值;Value at average acquisition cost;? 隨著技術創新,服務器的初始購置成本趨於下降,資本支出、營業費用和環境影響等的能耗相關成本卻在持續上升。

With the technical innovation, the acquisition cost of servers is trending down, while energy related cost including capital charges, operating expenses and environmental consequence is trending up.?

從財務方面講,什麽是持有成本(或稱保管費用,holding cost)和訂貨費用(或稱購置成本,acquisition cost)?C.In financial terms what are the holding and acquisition costs of inventory

CTF資金將幫助各城市在無需將額外購置成本轉嫁給用戶的情況下獲得公交車。The CTF financing will help cities obtain the buses without having to transfer the additional cost of acquisition to the users.?

手機直接當作行動載具使用,可以減少高額的購置成本;Mobile phone is used as portable device to reduce high buying cost.?

初期購置成本與旁路冷卻或外部冷卻加套方案相當。Initial cost is comparable to that of by-pass cooled or external cooled jacketed motor.?

越先進的環保設備汙染治理率越高,但越先進的環保設備購置成本也就越高。Pollution could be treated better with more advanced environment facilities, but more advance facilities cost more.?

這不僅使購置成本、維護成本提高,而且測量程序多、重復性操作等帶來諸多不便。This is not only the purchase costs, maintenance costs, but also measurement procedures, and repetitive operation inconvenience.?

不但使用戶大幅度降低了凸模的購置成本,而且使凸模的使用壽命得到成倍的提高。Thus not only the purchase cost was reduced, but also the working life of the protruding die was prolonged.?


NIBCO ball valves are designed and manufactured to give maximum performance on recommended service at the lowest possible initial and upkeep cost.?

另外,壓力泵造價低,工作可靠,可降低購置成本和維修量。In addition, pressure pump costs low and has a high reliability, which can reduce the purchase cost and maintenance work quantity.?

在免稅區開辦貿易公司,還可以享受進出口稅全免。If you open a trading company in the Free Zone, you can enjoy the exemption of import-export duties.?


The government lavished tax breaks on the SEZs, making them duty-free enclaves to be considered as foreign territories for the purpose of trade and tariffs.? 中國政府正努力發展國內的免稅購物區,例如南方的海南島,鼓勵消費者在國內支出。

The government in Beijing is trying to encourage shoppers to spend at home rather than abroad, through the development of domestic duty-free shopping zones, such as on Hainan island in the south.