It’s gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you, but we’ll protect you. I’ll protect you.All you gotta do is (slaps Maytag’s hand away) take this pocket right here and your life’ll be all peaches and cream. I walk, you walk with me. Keep you real close so no one up in here can hurt you.
T-bag: I assume that’s why you’re over here. A few days on the inside any God fearing white man realizes the correctional system’s got a serious lean towards the African-American persuasion.
T-bag: Listen up bros, listen up. Bellick, I got one for ya. Whaddya call a piece of white trash who couldn’t pass the cops exam and now makes less than a mailman? A C.O.
T-bag: Why don’t you transfer us all some place cooler. Like Africa!
T-bag: We’ll move when the temperature situation is rectified.
Geary: Don’t be a baby, T-bag. It ain’t that hot.
T-bag: Not that hot?
(points to black inmate)
When this guy woke up this morning, he was white!
T-bag: Oh I can make your last few weeks on earth quite, quite enjoyable. Give you some Demerol, some X. You know, make you forget about that big, bad chair.
T-bag: You gotta learn the art of negotiating. Lesson one: the bargaining position.
T-bag: You gotta sleep with one eye open, girly.
T-bag: (singing) Oh Tweener, I’m a in’… Oooh oohh Tweener, ooh oh Tweener, I’m a-in’ for you… I’m a-in’, in’ for you… Is you’re ready, are you ready, however you wanna say it, I don't care, I’m a-in’ for you…
C-Note: Yo. (motions for a hand) Come on.
T-bag: I don't know about you all, but uh, (helps C-Note up) this room's gettin' a little too dark for me to dig.
T-bag: (laughs) You know it vexes me that uh, that I'm made out to be the bad guy in the room. It's not like you all are incarcerated for stealin' girl scout cookies.
Abruzzi: None of us murdered any girl scouts in the process.
T-bag: Hey Sucre, I got a question about you and the rest of the Mexicans.
Sucre: I don't think I'll be able to help, seeing as I'm Puerto Rican.
T-bag: Geographical semantics, amigo. I'm speakin' about the general Latino population. How is it that a people so historically lazy ended up being such a big part of the nation's workforce?
T-bag: You know what I can't understand is why somebody like you wants to get out of here anyway. How you gonna survive, huh? The world's all different now, it's scary. They got puter phones, boobies made out of silicone, you wouldn't know what to do.
Bellick: How was this door locked?
T-bag: It wasn't locked boss, the uh, fan kept pushing it open, so we just had to wedge it closed.
Whoo! Looks like the Bank of Africa wasn't allowing any withdrawals.
Westmoreland: The psych ward?
Michael: It's the only building that shares a sub surface line with the infirmary.
T-bag: You're tellin' me, to get to the infirmary we gotta go through the wack shack?
人家都叫精神病區psych ward,小T出口就是“還得穿過那個怪人窩?”
T-bag: (humming) (to Manche) If you get stuck in one of them pipes boy...
T-Bag: Move your fat ass. (kicking Manche)
T-bag: Age, before beauty.
T-bag: Think twice, John-boy. Hmm? You shoot me, Pretty here will be draggin' around 170 pounds of dead Alabama flesh with him.
And considering how much you need him to get this little Fibonacci vendetta of yours, huh? So I just don't think you're going to be pulling that trigger.
T-bag: Sure, Pretty, We teamates. (in Abruzzi's direction) Teamates till the end!
T-bag: (seeing helicopter flying above)We got trouble, Pretty.