古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 追悼會用英語怎麽說


問題壹:追悼會或者遺體告別儀式用英語怎麽說? Memorial service或Funeral

問題二:葬禮用英語怎麽說? 葬禮


funeral ceremony

attend a funeral


問題三:葬禮的英文是什麽? 葬禮:

1. funeral

2. burial



1. 葬禮是個憂郁的場合。

A funeral is a sombre occasion.

2. 葬禮是壹個令人憂傷的場合。

A funeral is a melancholy occasion.

3. 人們經常在葬禮和追悼會上見到他。

He was often seen at funerals and memorials.

4. 只有少數親戚參加了他的葬禮。

Only a few of his kindred were present at his funeral.

5. 我們要遵照禮儀參加葬禮。

We must obey the decencies and attend the funeral.

6. 在葬禮上發笑或開玩笑是失禮的行為。

Laughing and joking are considered improper behaviors at a funeral.

7. 安葬是在大清早進行的,沒有舉行葬禮。

The burial was done early in the morning without a ceremony.

8. 在舉行葬禮以前屍體被放在棺材裏。

The body was placed in bier before burial.

問題四:“壹周年追悼會”和“默哀”用英文怎麽說 The first anniversary memorial service

stand in silent tribute

問題五:葬禮 英語怎麽說 葬禮

burial; funeral; obsequies

法 burial; obit

問題六:熱門單詞:"葬禮"用英語怎麽說 很高興回答妳的問題,以下是我個人見解,希望可以幫到妳:


[詞典] funeral; funeral ceremony; obsequies; funeral rites; exequies;


Thousands of people attended the funeral
