古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 法律專業英語詞匯



 盜竊槍枝 crime of stealing firearms and ammunition

 盜竊武器裝備 theft of military equipment

 道真仡佬族苗族自治縣 Daozheng Mulao Nationality Autonomous County

 得到證實 to be believed

 得利者 beneficiary

 抵觸 contravene

 抵押 mortgage

 抵押品 pledge

 抵押物 mortgage

 地方人民檢察院 Local People's Procuratorate

 地役權 easement

 第二審判庭 second tribunal

 第三者 the third party

 第壹審判庭 first tribunal

 典當物 pledge

 調查 investigation

 調查報告 investigation

 調查取證 investigate and collect evidence

 調解 mediate

 調解和強制措施 mediation and enforcement measure

 調解書 mediation agreement

 調解書字號 Written Mediation No.

 訂貨合同卡片 a card of contract

 訂立 formation

 定案結論 verdict

 定案理由 reason for decision

 定金 deposit

 定期減免所得稅 regular reduction of income tax

 定性 determination on the nature

 丟棄 waive

 東北人民的政府 Northeast People's Government

 東鄉族自治縣 Dongxiang Nationality Autonomous County

 董事會 board of directors

 動機 intention, motive

 凍幹健康人血漿 frozen dry healthy human blood

 凍幹血漿 frozen dry blood plasma

 凍結 freeze, suspend

 都安瑤族自治縣 Duan Yao Nationality Autonomous County

 瀆職罪 crime of dereliction of duty

 獨立的不法行為 independent wrong

 獨立個案 individual cases

 獨立核算工業企業 independent accounting unit

 獨立請求書 independent claim

 獨立審判 independent adjudication

 斷絕 cease

 提出具體意見 submit detailed opinions on

 對等原則 principle of reciprocity

 對等原則並參照國際慣例 the principle of reciprocity and in reference to the international practice

 對合同詞句應當按照事情是有效的而不是無效的來理解 verba ita sunt intelligenda ut res magis valeat guam pareat

 對金錢借貸的規定 regulations of money lending

 對濫用權力的`法律補救 legal remedy for abuses of power

 對立的壹方 opposite party

 對令狀的發出作確認 acknowledge the issue of the writ

 對上訴抗辯 oppose an appeal

 對書面文件的詞句應當按照對提出詞句的當事人尤為不利的原則來解釋 verba chartarum fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem

 對外經濟法律顧問處 Foreign Economic Legal Consultancy Office

 對外經濟律師事務所 foreign trade law firm

 對外經濟貿易仲裁委員會 Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

 對外貿易經濟合作部 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic

 對物訴訟令狀 writ in rem

 對帳 reconcile, reconciliation

 多邊公約 multilateral convention

 多邊國際公約 multi-latreal international conventions

 多分 a larger share

 多頭 long position, bull position

 多頭仲裁 multiple arbitration

 多於壹名人士 2 or more persons

 多元立法體制 plural legislative structure

 多元主義 pluralism

 峨邊彜族自治縣 Ebian Yi Nationality Autonomous County

 恩施土家族苗族自治縣 Enshi Tujia Nationality Miao Nationality Autonomous County

 恩恤付款 ex gratia payment

 二審 second instance

 二審裁定書 order of second instance

 二審法院 Court of Second Instance

 二審判決書 written order of Second Instance

 二者只能擇其壹 the inclusion of one is the exclusion of the other

 發回重審 remand a lawsuit for a new trial

 發貨人 consignor, shipper

 發生法律效力 be legally effective

 發現 discovery

 發行審核委員會 the Issuance Examination Commission

 發展規劃 development plan