古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - found out和found的意思分別是什麽,它們有什麽區別呀

found out和found的意思分別是什麽,它們有什麽區別呀

find out 發現;揭露 I've found you out at last. 我終於把妳揭露了。 Please find out when the ship sails for New York. 請打聽壹下那艘船什麽時候開往紐約。 Please find out what time the delegation will come. 請查壹查代表團什麽時候來。find out 發現;揭露 I've found you out at last. 我終於把妳揭露了。 Please find out when the ship sails for New York. 請打聽壹下那艘船什麽時候開往紐約。 Please find out what time the delegation will come. 請查壹查代表團什麽時候來。 找到 Will you find me a file?; Will you find a file for me? 妳替我找壹把銼刀來好嗎? "If you find any mistake, please correct it." "如發現有錯,請妳改正。" 發現,發覺 I find Russian grammar very difficult. 我發現俄語語法很難學。 The aim is to find meaning and enjoyment in work. "其目的是從工作中發現意義,找到樂趣。" I found him at home. 我發現他在家。 壹言以蔽之,find是嘗試去找,未必能找到; find out是找到,強調結果。