古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - FIGHT是什麽意思?


fight英音:[fait]美音:[fa?0?1t] fight的中文翻譯不及物動詞 vi. 1. 打仗;搏鬥;打架;奮鬥

You have to fight for your rights.


England and France fought against Russia in the Crimean War.

在克裏米亞戰爭中,英、法兩國與俄國作戰。 2. 爭吵[(+over/about)]

He and his wife are always fighting over trifling matters.


及物動詞 vt. 1. 與...作戰;與...鬥爭

They fought their oppressors with all kinds of weapons.

他們用各種武器對抗壓迫他們的人。 2. 打(仗);進行(戰鬥,決鬥等)

The battle was fought in the mountains.

這壹仗是在山裏打的。 3. 反對

They fought the bill fiercely.


名詞 n. 1. 戰鬥;搏鬥;打架[C]

Who won the fight?

誰贏得了這場戰鬥? 2. 爭吵;爭論[C]

Their fights were always over money.

他們的爭吵總是為了錢的問題。 3. 戰鬥力;鬥誌[U]

He has plenty of fight in him.

他鬥誌旺盛。 fight1. 與...搏鬥,爭取

fight vt.與...搏鬥,爭取

2. 打仗,鬥爭

fight 打仗,鬥爭

3. 打架
