例句:Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, andit looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches.從頂部看,體育館好像是覆蓋著壹張灰色的鋼網,看起來正像是用樹枝搭成的鳥窩。
"Little crow like: " This is the next boss will repair, do not they nest so broken, it ispossible to live in it?小烏鴉想:“這下老大壹定會修了,難道案這樣破了,它還能住嗎?”
The poor Swede found himself in a hornet's nest; everyone in the place hatedhim, particularly his shipmates.可憐的瑞典人這才發現自己惹出了大亂子,在場的每個人都恨他,特別是和他在同條船上的水手。
When they had picked up the food, he caught them and made them returnthrough a different channel, which also led to the nest.當它們獲取食物後,就把它們捉住,讓它們通過另壹條通往蟻巢的溝返回。