古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - rebirth怎麽讀


rebirth 讀音英[?ri?b?θ];美[?ri?b?rθ]n.新生;復活;復興;(信仰加強或皈依另壹宗教後精神上的)新生,再生

新生;復活;復興a period of new life, growth or activity the seasonal cycle of death and rebirth死而復生的四季輪回

(信仰加強或皈依另壹宗教後精神上的)新生,再生a spiritual change when a person's faith becomes stronger or they convert to another religion

Barbara Hagerty looks at some of the features of people who turn midlife into a rebirth. 芭芭拉·哈格蒂對人們在中年重獲新生的壹些特征進行了研究。

The third section, analyzes the author exploration about the rebirth subject. 第三節,分析作者對人類新生主題的思考。The hotel is awaiting its rebirth. 飯店正在重建。We can call it its rebirth. 我們可以稱之為重生。In ancient Chinese literature, there are many Rebirth works. 在中國古代文學中,不乏還魂型作品。