古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - mountaineer



Last Sunday, Aron Ralston, an experienced hiker and mountaineer, set off to walk alone through the Bluejohn desert canyon (峽谷) in Utah. He was planning an eight-hour, 21-kilometre hike. While he was climbing through a narrow part of the canyon, a huge stone weighing approximately 400 kilos fell and trapped his right arm.

譯文:上周日,Aron Ralston(阿倫-拉斯頓)這位經驗豐富的徒步旅行者兼登山家,開始了他獨自橫穿位於猶他州的Bluejohn(藍約翰)峽谷的旅行.他計劃了壹個為時8小時,路程21公裏的徒步旅行.然而當他爬經峽谷的壹個狹窄部分時,壹塊巨大的將近400公斤的石頭砸了下來並壓住了他的右臂.

When he failed to return to the mountain side where he was staying that night, people simply thought he had decided to camp out somewhere in the canyon. When he still had not returned by Tuesday, the alarm was raised. A search party set out on Wednesday evening, but there was no sign of the young man and his family began to fear the worst.


In fact, Ralston, 27, was lying trapped in the canyon. By Tuesday, he had run out of water. By Thursday, he realized that he would not survive unless he took action, so he used his pocket knife to amputate his arm below the elbow. He then applied a tourniquet and climbed down to the bottom of the canyon. There he met two other hikers, who helped him back to safety. He received medical help at a local hospital before being transferred to St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction, Colorado for surgery.


Ralston’s astonishing survival brought equal amounts of praise and critici *** . Whilst praising the climber for his bravery and calm, experts also pointed out that he had broken the first rule of outdoor exercise. He had failed to leave word with anyone of where he was going that day.


This was in fact Ralston’s second near-death experience. In February, he was buried up to the neck in snow by a snowstorm while skiing in the Colorado Rockies. Ralston not only managed to dig himself out but he also rescued his skiing panion, who had been pletely buried in the snow. Ralston rescued himself and his friend in less than 15 minutes.
