古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - allocate怎麽讀的


allocate (/?l.?.ke?t/) 是壹個動詞,意為“分配,分派,劃撥”。它通常用於描述將資源、資金或時間分配給特定的人或事物,以便合理利用或管理。

以下是壹些例句:The committee will allocate funds to various research projects.(委員會將為各種研究項目撥出資金。)The manager needs to allocate tasks among the team members.(經理需要在團隊成員之間分配任務。)We will allocate a certain amount of time for each speaker at the conference.(我們將為會議上每個演講者分配壹定的時間。)The government plans to allocate more resources to improving healthcare facilities.(政府計劃將更多的資源用於改善醫療設施。)The airline company needs to allocate more seats to meet the demand for holiday travel.(航空公司需要分配更多座位來滿足假日旅遊的需求。)