大家可以先看下面的表格了解壹下 tube和pipe 吧:
tube和pipe 的區別:區別1:材料和制造方法Tube(管)通常指的是精確尺寸和厚度的空心圓柱形構件,例如銅管和不銹鋼管。例子:
Copper tube is commonly used for plumbing systems.(銅管通常用於水暖系統。)
Stainless steel tubes are used in various industrial applications.(不銹鋼管在各種工業應用中使用。)
PVC pipes are commonly used for drainage systems.(PVC管常用於排水系統。)
The oil industry relies on large steel pipes for oil transportation.(石油行業依賴大型鋼管進行油品運輸。)
Heat exchanger tubes facilitate the transfer of heat between two fluids.(熱交換器管有助於在兩種流體之間傳遞熱量。)
Tubes are used in medical devices like catheters for fluid drainage.(管道在醫療設備中,如導管,用於液體排泄。)
Water pipes supply clean water to households and businesses.(供水管道向家庭和企業提供幹凈的水。)
Gas pipes transport natural gas to power homes and industries.(燃氣管道將天然氣輸送到家庭和工業用途。)
Thin-walled aluminum tubes are used in lightweight structures.(薄壁鋁管用於輕量級結構。)
Small-diameter copper tubes are commonly used in refrigeration systems.(小直徑的銅管常用於制冷系統。)
Large-diameter concrete pipes are used in sewage systems.(大直徑的混凝土管用於汙水系統。)
Steel pipes with a substantial wall thickness are employed in high-pressure pipelines.(壁厚較大的鋼管用於高壓管道。)
Decorative brass tubes are used in furniture making.(裝飾性黃銅管用於家具制造。)
Steel tubes are used as structural elements in building construction.(鋼管用作建築結構元素。)
Pipes are used in plumbing to deliver water to sinks and faucets.(管道用於水暖系統,將水輸送到水槽和水龍頭。)
Industrial pipelines transport chemicals from one processing unit to another.(工業管道將化學品從壹個處理單元輸送到另壹個。)