古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 麻煩幫我把這段話翻譯壹下英文,壹定要專業!因為是給醫院看的



My facial scar was caused by a hemangioma surgery from when I was one year old. Medical technology was more primitive back then, and the scar was left by the stitiches. The scar is hypertrophic, I've tried to reduce it using many methods within the past few years without effect, and even left behind pigments. For example, I've tried freeze scar removal, dermabrasion scar removal, but after the scab falls off, it would proliferate again. Since the scar is hypertrophic, nothing works, the Chinese doctors told me that even going to the United States is useless. I just want to smoothen the uneven dents on my face a little.
