古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 萬聖節、感恩節、復活節和聖誕節的由來(英文)大約每個十句話,簡單壹點


1、Halloween,is an international holiday celebrated on October 31.Halloween activities include trick-or-treating,ghost tours,bonfires,costume parties,visiting haunted attractions.

carving Jack-o'-lanterns,reading scary stories and watching horror movies.Irish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century.


2、Now i would like to give you some details about thanksgiving day in the united states. thanksgiving day is the most truly american of the national holidays in the united states and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.


3、Jesus crucified upon a cross, the third day Easter holiday was born. Easter Festival with religious origins to countries in Europe and the United States, Easter is a major holiday after Christmas.?

According to the "Bible Gospel According to Matthew" argument in the cross of Jesus Christ three days after the revival of torture, and thus the establishment of this section.?

4、Christmas?is?a?Christian?holiday?that?celebrates?the?birth?of?Jesus?Christ.?No?one?knows?the? exact?date?of?Christ's?birth,?but?most?Christians?observe?Christmas?on?December?25.?On?this? day,?many?go?to?church,?where?they?take?part?in?special?religious?services.

聖誕節是基督教節日的慶祝耶穌基督誕生的。沒有人知道確切日期基督的誕生, 但大多數基督徒紀念聖誕節12月25 日。在這壹天,許多去教堂,在那裏他們參加特殊的宗教服務。